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December 12.2022
6 Minutes Read

How To Create A Life Plan That Fits You: 5 Steps To Creating Your Own Personal Plan

How To Create A Life Plan That Fits You: 5 Steps To Creating Your Own Personal Plan

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, or even 50s, adulting can feel like a never-ending cycle of obligations and responsibilities. And while there are many benefits to having a steady 9-to-5 job, it can also become restrictive when you think about other aspects of your life. Even if you’ve already established the parameters and duties of being an adult, that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to grow and develop as a person. Your resume may include years of experience at a given company; however, that doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to those same roles every time there's an opportunity for advancement or change. With that in mind, exploring new career options and developing personal skills outside of your regular job is an essential way for people to stay engaged with their work and remain motivated throughout the week. If you’re looking for ways to increase your job satisfaction beyond just getting more hours or better benefits, consider taking the time to create a personal life plan as well as a work life plan.

What is a life plan?

A life plan is a type of career mapping exercise where you think about where you want to be in your career and life five, 10, or 15 years down the road. It’s your roadmap for getting from where you are now to where you want to be. It’s the roadmap you use to determine your goals and how you plan to get there.

This is an important part of the work-life balance equation because it helps you visualize where you want to be, and it also gives you a sense of control. By creating a plan for your life, you have more control over the direction you’re heading.

Create your own personal plan first

It’s important to start with your own personal plan before trying to incorporate that information into your work life plan. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when trying to map out the entire career map for yourself at the same time as mapping out your work life.

Start with the map of your own personal plan and make sure you consider all your plans and commitments while mapping out your career path.

A personal life plan can include your values, goals, and vision for your own personal future. There are many online platforms that can help you create your own personal plan such as an online journal, blog, or by using some other method.

While you’re figuring out the details of your plan and figuring out how it fits with your work life, it’s also a good idea to make sure you don’t lose track of the bigger picture. You don’t want to be so consumed by the details of your own plan that you forget about the rest of the world.

Add fitness goals to your plan

If your life plan includes becoming more active and healthy, be sure to incorporate that into your work life plan as well.

There are many ways that employers and companies encourage healthy living and a healthy work-life balance. Some companies offer programs that encourage employees to eat more healthily, exercise, and manage their stress. If your company doesn’t, be sure to ask your boss or human resources representative if there are any programs or resources that could be offered to help you balance your schedule with your health and wellbeing.

Another way to incorporate fitness goals into your work life plan is to create a wellness plan or wellness policy. A wellness plan is a policy that outlines health-related expectations for all employees while a wellness policy outlines certain health benefits that a company may offer.

Develop new skills and learn new technologies

Another way to add value to your work life is to develop new skills and learn new technologies. This can be as simple as taking a course online or finding a local meetup group that focuses on a specific technology.

It could also be as deep as taking a course in a completely different field altogether. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to do something crazy to get yourself out of a rut. A simple change such as taking a class in a completely different field or learning a new skill can help you to refresh your knowledge and change the way you do things.

There are also many online courses and MOOCs (massive open online courses) that you can take for free. Some of these have specific career mapping topics such as programming, project management, digital marketing, and financial planning and analysis.

Find ways to volunteer and get involved in local organizations

Another way to incorporate your work life plan is by finding ways to volunteer and get involved in local organizations. Volunteering can help you to develop new skills and make connections that can help you when you’re ready to search for a job.

It also helps to give you a chance to explore other interests and break out of your normal routine.

There are many ways that you can volunteer. You can volunteer with a charity, a community organization, a school, a sports team, or a religion. You can also volunteer with a nonprofit organization that has a career mapping component such as a nonprofit organization that works with the elderly, people with disabilities, or young people who are at risk of dropping out of school.

Another way to incorporate volunteering into your work life plan is to find ways to volunteer outside of volunteering for a cause. For example, volunteering at a local library or museum can help you expand your mind and get more out of your daily routine.


There’s no single path to leading an engaged and meaningful life. As with all things, it comes down to what works for you, what you enjoy, and what you value.

A life plan can help you create a path to a more balanced and fulfilling career and life. Start by creating a personal life plan and adding fitness goals. Then, add new skills and technologies to your work life plan. Finally, find ways to volunteer and get involved in local organizations.

You’ll be on your way to a more fulfilling career and life. If you want to learn more tips and tricks to create a more successful work-life balance, make sure to check out our blog.

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, or even 50s, adulting can feel like a never-ending cycle of obligations and responsibilities. And while there are many benefits to having a steady 9-to-5 job, it can also become restrictive when you think about other aspects of your life. Even if you’ve already established the parameters and duties of being an adult, that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to grow and develop as a person.

Your resume may include years of experience at a given company; however, that doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to those same roles every time there's an opportunity for advancement or change. With that in mind, exploring new career options and developing personal skills outside of your regular job is an essential way for people to stay engaged with their work and remain motivated throughout the week. If you’re looking for ways to increase your job satisfaction beyond just getting more hours or better benefits, consider taking the time to create a personal life plan as well as a work life plan.



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