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LaTonya Carmouche, Enterprises
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January 24.2023
5 Minutes Read

How To Create A Vision For Your Future: What's It All About?

How To Create A Vision For Your Future: What's It All About?

Now that you’ve finished reading your latest business plan and are ready for the next step in growing your company, it’s time to look at what lies ahead. As an executive team, how do you start thinking about the long-term impact of your decisions today? What are the key areas you should focus on so that your business continues to thrive tomorrow as much as it does today? A vision is a clear and concise idea of where you hope to be in the future. It is a roadmap that provides details of how you will get there. It is also an emotional connection with what your future could look like. Who are you becoming? What values have you established? How will people know who you are and why they should trust and invest in you? In this post we’ll cover everything from understanding visions, choosing one and developing them through creating actionable steps.

What is a Vision?

First things first - what is a vision? When you create a vision for your company, you are envisioning the future. In other words, you are envisioning an ideal future for your company through the lens of the past, present, and future.

A vision is not just an idea about the future or an aspiration for the future - it's an emotional connection with where your company is going and what it stands for. It's also a roadmap for how you are going to get there.

That's why it's so important to understand what a vision is, why you need one, and how to create one for your business.

How to Create a Vision for Your Business

Vision creation is a complicated process with many unique considerations. This process is unique to your company, industry, and desired outcome.

First, you’ll need a team that supports the vision creation process, especially on the front-end where you will be researching and gathering information. You will also need a leader who can support the vision creation process and help facilitate communication throughout the organization.

Next, you’ll need to identify where the vision will come from. This is a crucial step, and one that many companies skip. A vision may be great on paper, but it will never have any real meaning if it comes from an external source. Your vision will come from within your organization. This is where your employees and executives can play a big role - finding where the vision comes from. A vision may start from your CEO or from a marketing team, but it should end up with everyone in the organization.

Now that you have your vision, you’ll need to find a way to get the message out.

This can be as simple as putting the vision on your company website and sharing it on social media. You’ll also need to create some content related to the vision, such as articles, blog posts, and videos that support it.

Developing A Vision Document for Your Company

Now that you’ve got your vision and are working on creating a plan to get there, you’ll want to think about how you will communicate your vision outside of the company. This is where a vision document comes in. A vision document is a written guide that outlines your vision, how you got it, and how you plan to get the rest of the staff on board. A vision document can be as simple as a single page or as detailed as you want it to be, but it needs to be clear and concise.

A vision document is a big opportunity for your team to communicate and engage with each other. In it, your team can describe the vision, who came up with it and why, what it means to the company and its employees, and how they plan to get there.

Vision documents can serve as a conversation starter and allow you to have a deeper conversation about the future of your company with the rest of your team. A vision document can also be a resource for your employees when they have questions or need clarification on the vision, the process, or the direction of the company.

Not every Business Needs A Vision

With all of these visions and plans, it’s important to remember that not every business needs a vision. A vision is a goal that is strategic and long-term, not a day-to-day activity or process.

In some businesses, a vision is important and necessary. In others, it can be used as a crutch to justify why the business exists or is doing what it is doing. Often, businesses that are facing an uncertain future will use a vision document as a means to explain the existing state of the company and the need for a vision document. While a vision document can be helpful in these situations, it’s important to understand that defining the future doesn’t solve any immediate issues. A vision can be helpful in a company where a more urgent need arises - a company that is in danger of closing down, a company where the current state is not helping the organization, etc.

Finding inspiration for your vision

This can be a little bit tricky, especially if you’re doing it by yourself. But it’s not impossible, and you can do it! In fact, there are many ways to achieve your vision when you’re on your own.

So, how do you do it?

Start by looking at your company. What are some of the values and principles that your company stands for? What makes your company unique? What makes your company different than your competitors? Start looking at your company through the lens of your vision. What are the values and principles that your vision embodies? What makes your vision special? What makes your vision unique?

Keep in mind that your vision should tell a story. It needs to be a narrative that explains where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to go.


Once you have your vision in place, it’s important to communicate it to your staff, customers, and investors. A vision document helps to communicate your vision to your team, and it can also be a great tool for communication with your customers as well.

A vision is about articulating where your company is going and what makes it different from your competitors. It is about describing where you want to take your company, and how you want to get there. A vision is a roadmap to your future.



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