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LaTonya Carmouche, Enterprises
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September 18.2023
5 Minutes Read

Intuition and Dream Symbol Exercise! - Learn about your dreams and how they connect to your intuition.

Intuition and Dream Symbol Exercise! - Learn about your dreams and how they connect to your intuition.

Your intuition is an amazing guide. It can be a trusted friend in times of need or a scary voice of intuition that whispers danger to your ear. Whatever it is, listen to your intuition because it knows best!

In this article, we’ll explore some of the most basic and powerful ways you can listen to your intuition when it comes to dream symbols. Dream symbols are images, words, or ideas that have some connection to your dreams. Are you familiar with the concept? If not, this article is for you! You might have heard about dreams being a way for us to connect with our spiritual side, but do you really know what a dream symbol is? And how can you take action if you don’t? Let’s find out together!

What is a Dream Symbol?

Dream symbols are the language of your subconscious mind.

When you dream, your subconscious communicates with you through symbols that represent various aspects of your life, emotions, and experiences. These symbols can be literal or metaphorical and can hold personal meanings that are unique to you.

For example, if you dream of flying, it could be a symbol of freedom, liberation, or a desire to escape from something in your waking life. On the other hand, if you dream of water, it could represent your emotions, the unconscious mind, or the unknown. Each dream symbol carries its own significance, and understanding them can provide valuable insights into your inner world.

Dream symbols are not limited to specific objects or scenarios. They can manifest in various forms, such as animals, people, places, colors, or even abstract concepts. It is essential to pay attention to the context and emotions surrounding these symbols, as they can help decipher their meanings.

By understanding your dream symbols, you can tap into the wisdom of your intuition and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

Dream Symbols and Intuition

Dream symbols and intuition are closely intertwined. When you pay attention to your dreams and the symbols they contain, you are opening a channel of communication with your intuition. Your intuition acts as a bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind, helping you make sense of the messages hidden within your dreams.

Your intuition has a way of guiding you towards what is best for you, and it often speaks to you through your dreams. By developing a relationship with your dream symbols, you can enhance your intuition and make more informed decisions in your waking life.

For example, let's say you consistently dream of a snake. In many cultures, a snake is often associated with transformation and rebirth. If you pay attention to the emotions and context surrounding the snake in your dream, you may gain valuable insights into areas of your life that require transformation or change. By trusting your intuition and taking action based on the symbolism of the snake, you can align yourself with the path of personal growth and development.

The Importance of Knowing Your Dream Language

Understanding your dream language is crucial for interpreting the messages from your intuition. Just as each person has a unique way of expressing themselves, your dreams have their own language that is specific to you.

By becoming familiar with your dream language, you can decipher the symbolism and meanings hidden within your dreams more effectively.

To begin understanding your dream language, start by keeping a dream journal. Each morning, take a few moments to write down any dreams you remember. Be as detailed as possible, noting the emotions, symbols, and events that occurred. Over time, patterns and recurring symbols may emerge, allowing you to identify the themes and messages your intuition is trying to convey.

In addition to keeping a dream journal, it can be helpful to research common dream symbols and their interpretations. While each person's dream language is unique, there are often shared meanings associated with certain symbols. By familiarizing yourself with these general interpretations, you can start to build a foundation for understanding your own personal symbolism.

How to Take Action Based on Your Dream Symbols

Once you have gained a deeper understanding of your dream symbols and their meanings, it is essential to take action based on the insights you receive.

Dreams are not meant to be passive experiences; they are invitations to explore and grow.

One way to take action is to reflect on the emotions and themes present in your dreams. Are there any recurring patterns or symbols that stand out? These may be areas of your life that require attention or change. By acknowledging these patterns, you can make conscious decisions to address any underlying issues or embrace opportunities for growth.

Another way to take action is to incorporate your dream symbols into your daily life. For example, if you dream of flying and associate it with freedom, you can find ways to cultivate a sense of liberation in your waking life. This could involve pursuing a new hobby, setting boundaries in your relationships, or taking steps towards a career that aligns with your passions.

Remember, the power of your dreams lies in your ability to integrate their messages into your everyday existence.

By trusting your intuition and taking action based on your dream symbols, you can create a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


Your dreams are a gateway to your intuition and inner wisdom. By paying attention to your dream symbols and understanding their meanings, you can tap into a wealth of insights and guidance. Your intuition knows best, and your dreams are its language. Embrace the power of your dreams, trust your intuition, and take action based on the messages they reveal. Your dreams are a gift, waiting to be explored and understood.

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