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December 18.2023
11 Minutes Read

Know Your Personality 

Know Your Personality 

Self-discovery is a process of understanding who you are, what you stand for, and what you want out of life.  Each one of us have an inner voice just waiting to be heard, but it can be difficult to really find that voice and unleash it.  

There are ways in which each personality type can become a more powerful and confident version of themselves, sometimes it lies within and other times it requires connecting with the right people.  

How to learn your personality type? 

Taking assessment test such as Myers-Briggs, Enneagram, or Gallup Strengths Finder will help you better understand your unique personality and wiring as well as your tendencies and work style.  

The Myers-Briggs is based on psychological types that were identified by Carl Jung in the 1920s. The test is named after the women who developed it – Katharine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Meyers.

The Myers-Briggs test categorizes people into one of 16 different personality types. The Myers-Briggs tests take around 30 minutes, there are 93 forced choice questions (meaning that you choose between two options).  

Enneagram provides a comprehensive understanding of an individual's personality and emotional patterns. The Enneagram test consists of approximately 105 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

Gallup StrengthsFinder focuses on identifying and nurturing unique strengths for personal and professional success. This test takes about 35-45 minutes to complete.  

The Myers-Briggs test is the most widely used and it categorizes people into one of 16 different personality types.  

The Myers-Briggs types are:  


INFJs are caring and compassionate people, but sometimes they can bury their own voice in a lot of ways. They became afraid of opening up and showing parts of themselves to others, since they don’t really like being vulnerable.

INFJs do have a powerful voice, and can really make a difference in the world because of this. They are capable of understanding others, and reaching a sense of empathy that most couldn’t comprehend. Often INFJs need to feel a connection deeper than themselves in order to really gain strength in their own voice. Having someone who appreciates them sincerely often helps the INFJ understand how valuable they are, and how much they can make a difference and be heard. 


ENFJs often need to find their unique voice by looking inward, instead of looking to others. ENFJs spend so much energy taking care of others, that they can lose themselves within this. For the ENFJ to really connect with who they are and find their voice, they need to take time to separate themselves from those around them. Instead of become obsessed over taking care of others, they really need to figure out what they want.

The ENFJ needs to focus on the things that bring them joy, without allowing themselves to feel guilty for this. Being unapologetically who they are, is the only way for them to really find their unique voice. 


INFPs often develop a strong grasp on their unique voice over the years, and to do this they just need time to themselves. They need space away from the rest of the world’s influences, especially their loved ones. If they have people who attempt to stifle them, then the INFP needs to find a way to get away from these people. They really just need time to themselves and space to dive into their own minds and their own emotions. This will help the INFP gain a sense of confidence, as well as be able to connect with their own very unique inner voice. 


The biggest hurdle for the ENFP when it comes to finding their own voice, is the influence of other people.

They care what people think in a meaningful way, but this can sometimes hold them back when it comes to understand themselves. They need to feel free from expectations and comfortable being who they are, in order to really dive into their own emotions and thoughts. For the ENFP to really discover their unique voice they need to be around people who give them space to figure it out, without constantly placing their own feelings onto the ENFP. 


INTJs often just need time alone to find their unique voice, since this is something they feel strongly already. They are very connected to their minds, more than their hearts, and so this is simply a big part of who they are. The INTJs unique voice is often very direct and truthful, and this takes spending time with themselves to nurture. If the INTJ doesn’t get a real opportunity to dive into their own thoughts, then they will never really understand their own desires in a way that is important.

They also need to take some time to process their emotions, but this is something that takes a while to work on. 


ENTJs are very connected to getting things done and working hard to be efficient. This desire to constantly progress and be strong-willed can actually prevent the ENTJ from reflecting in some situations. They do often have a strong voice already, and know how to present themselves in a situation without much fear. The only thing that ENTJs need to do in order to really strengthen their unique voice, is to take some time for self-reflected and work towards understand what they truly want from life and from relationships. 


INTPs often have a very unique inner voice, the struggle for them is finding how to put this into words that others can really understand. Their voice, their feelings, their thoughts, are all very personal and internal for the INTP.

Having to express things outwardly can actually be a bit unnerving at times, especially since they can struggle to explain themselves in a way that comes across how they intend. For the INTP to actually find this unique voice, they need to feel more comfortable being misunderstood sometimes. The best thing is for them to find people who are patient and who are open-minded, instead of ones who make snap judgements that cannot be changed. Through writing INTPs often find their voice better than any other means. 


ENTPs often spend a lot of times working on understanding their own unique voice and being open to sharing it with others. They have their own way of thinking and processing information, and they do enjoy sharing this with those around them. ENTPs often find it natural to connect with their unique sense of self, the only hurdle they might face is by masking their emotions with a sense of humor.

Sometimes they need to be able to take a step back and allow their sincerity to come out, rather than being afraid of vulnerability. 


ISTJs often need time to themselves in order to actually uncover their own unique voice. They need time for reflection and space to think about things without external pressures. They work hard and focus on always moving forward in life, but sometimes this can prevent them from actually finding their inner voice. When the ISTJ spends time processing things on their own and really dives into their desires and their feelings, they can uncover that there are many different sides and aspects to who they are. 


ESTJs often have a way of natural coming into their own voice, since they aren’t afraid of standing out. They do sometimes allow external pressures to get the best of them though, and this can hold them back in some ways.

ESTJs work hard to accomplish their goals and truly want to make their loved ones proud. This desire to make others look up to them, can cause the ESTJ to forget about their own personal feelings and desires sometimes. Simply spending some time reflecting and being around people who appreciate them for who they are, is definitely helpful for the ESTJ. 


ISFJs can become so focused on taking care of others and working hard, that they do neglect their own inner voice. For them it is important to take time on their own, and to allow themselves some freedom. ISFJs need time by themselves to recharge and reflect, but they don’t often take this when they need it. They need to be much less apologetic about their own needs, and this will help them get one step closer to understanding themselves. For the ISFJ to find their unique inner voice, they simply need to accept that it is okay to do so. 


ESFJs don’t often grant themselves enough freedom in life, since they constantly strive to take care of their loved ones. The best way for them to really find their own unique voice, is for them to allow themselves the chance to. They also do better around people who accept and appreciate them unconditionally. Around people who love the ESFJ openly, they will become more comfortable being themselves and actually gaining a sense of their own voice. They simply need to give themselves room to grow, and to allow themselves to consider their own feelings and desires. 


ISTPs often have a unique voice and simply being on their own helps them to understand it. The struggle for them is understanding their inner emotions, and this does sometimes require reaching out to people who they can feel comfortable and open with. Most of the time though, ISTPs aren’t afraid of their own options and beliefs and will be comfortable making them clear when it seems necessary.

They just prefer to share these parts of themselves when it actually provides value to the situation. 


ESTPs often have firm opinions and believes, and this is part of what gives them such a unique voice. The only things that can cloud this voice is being around too much outside information which sways their opinions. When they care about someone they can often forgo their own beliefs for the sake of making that person happy. It is important for the ESTP to maintain a firm sense of self, in order for them to find their own voice and hold firm to it. 


For the ISFP finding their voice isn’t usually the challenge, it is being around people who try to silence it. ISFPs need to feel free to be themselves and dive into understanding their own emotions and desires. They often have a very strong and unique inner voice, one that they struggle to keep hidden.

They might be too different for some people and this can be something that they face as a challenge in their lives. For the ISFP it is best when they feel free to be themselves, around people who accept them unconditionally. 


ESFPs rarely struggle to find their own unique voice, and actually struggle more to hide it. They are unapologetically who they are, and are happiest being at ease with themselves. ESFPs don’t like having to pretend or snuff out their light in order to make other people happy. It can be hard on them if they feel like others do not like them, but at the same time they truly need to let themselves be heard. ESFPs often have a strong and unique voice, one that they enjoy sharing with others. 

See how your personality fits with your values, talents and goals.  

Personality type can help you better understand yourself and those around you.

On the most basic level, knowing your personality type can help you answer the personal “why” question. 

Knowing your personality type can help you find better answers to questions like, “how can I be happier”, “how do I find a career I’m passionate about”, “how can I better communicate with my (husband, wife, sister, mother, brother, father, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, boss, coworker, etc.)”, "how do I stay motivated?" or “how can I make better decisions.”. 

Personality + Situation = Behavior  

You can’t predict what sort of situations you’ll find yourself in over your lifetime, but you probably have a good idea that at some point there will be conflict, at some point you’ll be stressed, but hopefully most of the time the situations will be positive. What you can learn about yourself is your personality, and then knowing your personality and reading about different situations, you can start to predict your own behavior.

Then you can change your behavior – which is ultimately what a lot of us want to do to be happier. 

It’s about YOU, and it’s also about THEM. 

Learning about your personality preferences can tell you a lot about yourself, but another added benefit of knowing about your personality type is to better understand them – the people around you whom you work with, interact with, go to family gatherings with, fight with, date, marry, take care of, pretty much anyone you have a social interaction with. By understanding your personality, you also understand what your personality is not, and can start to see differences in those around you in a deeper way. You have a language to think about and talk about differences in what energizes you, how you make decisions, how you take in information, and more. If you’ve understood the concept of “self-awareness”, think of this as the next logical step – “others-awareness.” 

Remember Personality Tests Have Limitations 

Although there are many benefits of personality tests, including understanding our personality and that of others, knowing our "type" isn't everything. Even the most serious psychological assessments are never the end-all when it comes to evaluating who we are, what we can accomplish, how we might perform in certain situations, and who we might become in the future.  

Personality tests, including real psychological assessments and the just-for-fun quizzes available online, can be thought-provoking, insightful, and even fun. The key is to not get too hung up on our results. 

Remember you are uniquely and wonderfully made, you will grow and change over time, the key is to be intentional about being in tune with your inner voice and being free to unleash it.  

These are tips to help you along the way. Use these insights to make self-discovery more targeted and empowering. 

The journey of self-discovery requires looking inward to explore your inner depths.  By investing this time to know yourself more completely, you can live your life with greater alignment, fulfillment and authentic self-expression.  

You will unlock your hidden potential and set free your inner voice.  

The amazing life you’ve always imagined is waiting for you on the other side of self-discovery. 



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