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LaTonya Carmouche, Enterprises
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November 02.2023
3 Minutes Read

Overcoming Limiting Thoughts: How to Shatter Negative Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals

Overcoming Limiting Thoughts: How to Shatter Negative Beliefs and Achieve Your Goals

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Achieve Success 

Limiting beliefs are negative thoughts or attitudes that hold us back from achieving our goals and living the life we want. 
We all have limiting beliefs - negative thoughts and attitudes that hold us back from achieving our full potential. These beliefs usually start in childhood and can plague us throughout adulthood, preventing us from pursuing goals, taking risks, and living the life we truly desire. The good news is that limiting beliefs can be overcome with awareness, effort, and practice. Here are some tips on how to identify and move beyond your limiting beliefs so you can achieve the success you want: 
Identify Your Limiting Beliefs  The first step is to uncover what your limiting beliefs are. 

These are usually ingrained ideas about what you can or cannot accomplish. Common examples include "I'm not smart enough," "I don't have what it takes," or "I don't deserve success." Take some time to reflect on your self-talk - what doubts or negative attitudes do you express about yourself and your abilities? What fears hold you back from pursuing opportunities? Write down the limiting beliefs you uncover so you can start to recognize just how much they impact you. 
Question Their Validity  Once you have identified limiting beliefs, start questioning their validity and accuracy. Our limiting beliefs usually stem from childhood experiences, insensitive feedback from others, or mistaken assumptions we have made. When you find yourself expressing a limiting belief, stop and ask yourself - is this really true? What evidence do I have to support this? Could I achieve this if I tried? This helps create awareness around how your limiting beliefs are often exaggerated or outright false. 

Replace with Empowering Beliefs  Now start consciously replacing limiting beliefs with more empowering, positive alternatives. Imagine how you would feel and act if you did not hold on to these limiting beliefs. If you think "I'm not creative enough to start a business" replace it with "I am creative in my own way and can figure out how to build a successful business." Repeating empowering beliefs helps strengthen new neural pathways in our brains to overcome years of negative thinking. 
Visualize Yourself Succeeding  Use the power of visualization to imagine yourself achieving your goals and dreams. See yourself confidently taking steps toward success like public speaking, asking for a promotion, or launching a new venture. Envision the positive outcomes.

What does it feel like when you succeed? Making success feel real provides motivation and determination to go after what you want. 
Take Action  An important final step is to take action in alignment with your empowering beliefs. If you believe you can now succeed in a specific goal, make a plan and start taking small steps toward achieving it. Seek opportunities to prove your limiting beliefs wrong through action. Almost nothing builds confidence and shatters limiting beliefs like actually accomplishing goals that once seemed improbable. 
Stay Persistent  Change won't happen overnight. Long-held limiting beliefs can be stubborn, creeping up when you get afraid or encounter obstacles. Don't get discouraged. Remind yourself regularly of your new empowering beliefs.

Review your vision. Continue taking small steps forward. With time and persistence, the actions you take will reinforce your new beliefs until they become your dominant, automatic thoughts and attitudes. 
By following these steps, you can identify the limiting beliefs that may be secretly holding you back, replace them with more empowering alternatives, and take action to prove to yourself that you are capable of accomplishing your goals and dreams. It takes self-awareness, effort, and perseverance, but banishing limiting beliefs in favor of success, happiness, and fulfillment is worth the work. The path to living your best life starts from within. Stop settling for less because of self-limiting beliefs and start pursuing your full potential today.

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